Wednesday, 25 April 2012



I have a French exam at 13:30 today and I'm currently doing the whole last minute revising thing. I don't think it should be too bad because everything we have learnt here has been revision for us anyway so in a way I'm quite looking forward to it; crazy as that seems. I'd be interested to compare my results from the initial French test we did to this one to see if I have actually improved my French. I feel like I have whilst writing my Dissertation but I guess we will only really know next year. 

Whilst revising I came across some of the classwork that we did a few weeks ago. We were practicing the conditional tense. Incidentally I've just noticed by looking at the date that it was actually 2 months ago but for some reason I had written the date as being 1990. *Fail* I guess my age was really on my mind since it was a few days after my birthday, ha. 

Anyway, to practice the conditional we were given an example paragraph and then some starter sentences to do our own and one of the sentence starters was "If I had a magic wand" - clearly Chris and I went completely Harry Potter on this paragraph. 

"Si j'avais une baguette magique, j'irais au Hogwarts. 
Si j'allais au Hogwarts, je parlerais avec Harry Potter. 
Si je parlais avec Harry Potter, je serais plus populaire. 
Si j'étais plus populaire, je serais mieux qu'Harry Potter.
Si j'étais mieux qu'Harry Potter, je serais Hermione Granger."

"If I had a magic wand, I would go to Hogwarts. 
If I went to Hogwarts, I would talk to Harry Potter. 
If I talked to Harry Potter, I would be more popular. 
If I were more popular,  I would be better than Harry Potter. 
If I were better than Harry Potter, I would be Hermione Granger."

Clearly I have ideas of grandeur in this paragraph and this was long before I found out that my true Hogwarts house is Ravenclaw. 

Maybe you could use this in future as revision to come up with your own paragraphs :)

Ciao x

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